September 23, 2008

Elvira's Cha Cha line dance step sheet & video

Choreographed By Unknown
Description: 32 count, 1 wall, Beginner Line Dance
Music: Any Cha Cha

Cha Cha Right & Left With 5th Position Brakes
1 & 2. Step side right with the RF, bring the LF next to the RF, and step side right with the RF (R-L-R)
3 - 4. Step in back of the RF with the LF and rock forward onto the RF
5 & 6 Step side left with the LF, bring the RF next to the LF, and step side left with the LF (L-R-L)
7 - 8 Step in back of the LF with the RF and rock forward onto the LF

Cha Cha Forward Right, 1/2 Turn Right, Cha Cha Forward Left, 1/2 Turn Left
9 & 10 Step forward 3 short steps starting with the RF (Cha Cha Cha, R-L-R)
11 -12 Step forward on the LF and make a 1/2 turn to the right and rock forward onto the RF (face the back of the room)
13 & 14 Step forward 3 short steps starting with the LF (Cha Cha Cha, L-R-L)
15 - 16 Step forward on the RF and make a 1/2 turn to the left and rock forward onto the LF (face the front of the room)

1/4 Turn Left, Cha Cha Forward, 1/2 Turn Right, Cha Cha Forward
17 - 18 Step forward on the RF and make a 1/4 turn to the left and rock forward onto the LF (face the left side of the room)
19 & 20 Step forward 3 short steps starting with the RF (Cha Cha Cha, R-L-R)
21 - 22 Step forward on the LF and make a 1/2 turn to the right and rock forward onto the RF (face the right side of the room)
23 & 24 Step forward 3 short steps starting with the LF (Cha Cha Cha, L-R-L)

1/4 Turn Left and Walk Forward and Kick LF, Walk Back
25 - 28 Make 1/4 turn left and walk forward right, left, right, and kick the LF forward
29 - 32 Walk back left, right, left, and touch the RF next to the LF


This video will give you the idea... Around here in NJ, we usually do this dance in the center with everyone facing the same direction while the couples do say, the El Paso. I've also never before seen it done to this song with the flags & dresses. Send me any other videos you may have doing this dance... This one is all I could find.

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