November 11, 2009

Places to Line Dance in NJ

Philadelphia Area
Friday Nights
Tuesday Nights:
Weds / Fri / Sat / Sun:

South NJ Shore

Friday Nights:

Friday Nights:

Wednesday Nights:
  • Scullville Firehouse - CLOSED :*(

North Jersey / New York Area
WednesdaySaturday Nights:

1 comment:

  1. There will be an afternoon line dance hosted by Rosie at the Jersey Shore on Sunday July 29th at Four Seasons Ballroom Dance Studio Bayville, NJ 08721 Big Dance Floor, Air Conditioned and Refreshments Served

    Sunday July 29th 2:00 pm-5:00pm
    $15.00 per person

    This dance is for every level. Beginners to advanced. I am a beginner and I had the best time. The more advanced dancers also had a great time. You will really enjoy it.
