You may have noticed the new twitter widget in the sidebar. It's true, 38 Step Line dance blog is officially on twitter to share the answer to the question, "What are you doing" in less than 140 characters. You may remember in Nov '08 I mentioned having a blast tweeting through the Country Music Awards. Well, now that this blog is officially tweeting, I wanted to share 100 super cool country music & country music lovin' people I follow. {Photo Source }
100 Lovely Country Music Tweeps (twitter peeps) to Follow
- @linedancegirl {*o*}
- @nashvillegeeks
- @DigitalNashvlle
- @digitalrodeo
- @lukebryanonline
- @willienelson
- @johnrich
- @cowboytroy
- @gw27/ Gretchen Wilson
- @twofootfred
- @jamesotto
- @ladyantebellum
- @Dierks_Bentley
- @GeorgeStrait
- @GaryAllan
- @TraceAdkins
- @Jason_Aldean
- @jessiefarrell
- @shellyfairchild
- @Dolly_Parton
- @darrylworley
- @TaylorSwift
- @DierksBentley
- @randytravis
- @KAcom / Keith Anderson
- @JoeNichols
- @theroadhammers
- @amygrant
- @tobykeith
- @timmcgraw
- @kennychesney
- @blakeshelton
- @dariusrucker
- @FaithHill
- @TYcom / TrishaYearwood.com
- @KeithUrban
- @Cyndi_Thomson
- @Collinraye
- @billycurrington
- @juliannehough
- @jakeofficial
- @Trailer Choir
- @Joe_Valenta
- @Ryan_Fox_Radio
- @dixietonk
- @visitmusiccity
- @CMT_Radio_Live
- @Billboarddotcom
- @allsongs
- @ccusa / CountryCountdownUSA
- @CowboySage
- @HauteCowgirl
- @MegYoung2
- 2wsredneck
- @creativecommons
- @AmerSongspace
- @countrygirlie
- @musiccitysingle
- @countrytune
- @melissadoss
- @LoveThatMusic
- @Epiphone
- @Uhhuhher
- @artseejodee
- @CLifeMag
- @CMTSweeps
- @nitweet
- @opry
- @NashLifestyles
- @dancingfighters
- @USRodeoSupply
- @CountryMusic
- @nashvillest
- @Countryhound
- @ldcountry
- @cjsorg
- @FollowCMT
- @DLindberg49
- @DHCountryMusic
- @DueWestMusic
- @merle_haggard
- @countryondemand
- @cntryalive
- @waaytv
- @bblogan
- @kevinmason
- @WhisperinBill
- @zacbrownband
- @Dolly_Parton
- @wbrnashville
- @cmilove
- @ballroom
- @cowboyboots
- @cmtt
- @Chuck_Wicks
- @jeffreyscott
- @musicrow
- @susank
And if you just read this thinking what the heck is Twitter... start by checking out twitter and Twitip .
I had a question - I was wondering if you knew of an instructional video online doing the Honky Tonk Fix line dance?
Thanks :),
Hey Q, sorry... I've never heard of it. Where have you seen/done it?
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