
September 23, 2008

NJ line dances - current & nostalgic dances

After 11 years of line dancing in South Jersey, I've learned quite a few dances. I thought it would be useful to make a regional list of the dances I've both learned and seen in NJ. It should help anyone looking to learn a few dances that are done in the area. You can look up line dances - and find TMI! There are hundreds, maybe even thousands of line dances you can learn but where is the fun if no one else is doing them where you go?

Note: Adding the steps & videos takes quite a bit of time so here is my line dance list in progress. I'll republish it as I add links to new step sheets with videos. Feedback is welcome!

I did my best to make this all inclusive but please let me know if I missed any.


NYMCMA said...

Lighting Jack isn't among your favorites?? :)

38 Step said...

I never heard of Lightning Jack... is this it? LIGHTNING JACK @ coloardo cafe
Looks like a fun dance!!! I'm still trying to round up some people crazy enough to drive 3 hours with me up to Colorado Cafe :)

NYMCMA said...

Yep, that's the one. From my travels it's mostly an east coast favorite. I believe it was developed at Denim & Diamonds. Its and oldie but goodie to do while the lovers :) are doing the 16 step. lol
If you're ever coming to NYC let me know and I'll head you in the right direction.

38 Step said...

Thanks nymcma :) That would be fantastic!