Tomorrow evening - Line Dancing - Scullville Fire Hall! 7:00 til 10:00 - Good times! Alf said it... "Be there or be square!"
Kenny Chesney Tix for 7/19/2008 7:30 PM, Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia, PA --- Looks like I may have a pair for sale. Please email me if you're interested in going! It's going to be a good show! It was last year and the year before..
Okay so last Tuesday evening I forgot to set my alarm clock and woke up 10 minutes before I was to leave the house Wednesday. I've gotta brag about this one! I made it to work on time! Holla! hahaha
I ran out of the house without my boots so after work as I was picking up my latte before going dancing, I realized that I had flip flops on... seriously? How the heck was I supposed to dance in flip flops? I would have had to travel 45 mins each way to get my boots so I said heck with it & went anyway! It worked much better than I expected!
See I usually keep my boots in the back seat of my truck so I can go dancing at the drop of a dime - but I cleaned it out so my friends would fit. (** note to self - choose club cab over crew cab!**) We went to the rodeo on Memorial Day Weekend at Cowtown. It was the perfect day too!
We had some good laughs cruising out Rt. 40, passing Long Wait Farm! We had a blast out at Cowtown! We got out to the Pilesgrove area and needed some beverages & a bathroom so we stopped at the Corner Bar. It's a traditional stop since we are slightly fascinated with the bathroom there. Ok, here's the photo... why are there 2 toilets in 2 stalls without walls or doors??? Classic!
We picked up our tickets in the store across the street so to avoid any long lines for the rodeo and viola, we were ready to rock out the BBQ *K brought. We unloaded the truck and fired up the grill... easier said than done! *A said something sarcastic about lighting the whole bag of charcoal on fire, packaging and all to *K & guess what, she doused the bag with lighter fluid and then lit it! Hahahaha!
It was fantastic! Had to put out the fire, and try it again... finally got the food going - but we only had about 45 mins until the rodeo started. *A & I BBQ'd veggie burgers so we were safe but the meat-eating *K & *T were challenged. ** Note to self, have friends cook their meat so it just needs to get heated up on the grill when tailgating.** *T had a rare burger & *K had some somewhat cooked wings.
The rodeo was a good time. We did our cowboy watching. Hahaha, We were the 4 girls rooting for the calfs that got away as they wiggled & pranced their way out of the stadium. We hit up the portos and did a little shopping at the cowboy store-stand. It was fantastic! The weather couldn't have been better either.
Post Rodeo
Put out the grill with water (from the beer cooler & got some bbq'd Bud Light), water bottles, soda and gatorade... load up the truck again... go dancing! In the past, we would head over to the Barnyard and do a little dancing and/or drinking $3 cans of beer and chat it up with some guys with numbers on their backs.
Last year, the owners put it on the market and it was closed so we asked around to find out where to go... where there would be line dancing. Holy Smokes... yeah, we got lost trying to find it but had a decent time nonetheless. It was way down in Carneys Point, and we took the Del. Mem. Bridge to Wilmington to make a U turn to get back on 295 to some back road, and then another back road...
So we go to Holy Smokes last weekend... yeah, Now it's a biker bar. Are you freaking kidding me? About an hour later, we show up in Mt. Laurel at Prospectors, with all 13 other people in the place hahaha.
Well, we got some food and were basically on our way.
Despite the bar-less ending,we had a freaking blast & plan on going back : )
Notes to self I learned in the last couple weeks
- Set your alarm before falling asleep
- Don't ever leave the house without your boots!
- Choose club cab over crew cab
- Be careful what you talk about when passing Long Wait Farm lol!
- Odd bathrooms are definitely a tourist stop
- Take the charcoal out of the bag before adding lighter fluid & fire
- (really 6 b.) Don't add lighter fluid to presoaked charcoal
- Get to your tailgating destination with either
- (8a) Enough time to cook what you brought
- (8b) 1/2 cooked, just bbq to reheat food
- Hand sanitizer and TP are a necessity when there are portos involved!
- BBQ'd Beer is not so good
- The combination of water, soda & Gatorade are quite the grill-fire-stopping combo and they double as a science experiment
- The rodeo gets 8 thumbs up for a girls night out destination! ~
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